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Monday, December 19, 2011

Progress as of Dec. 11, 2011

Michelle again!
 Well I really dont have many pictures today but I wanted to let you know how the progress was going.

We have officially been working in the house for 13 days. By "We" I mean Dmitri, Myself and Mom.
I have to brag about my Mom for a second. She has been amazing! She has decided to make her mission the Kitchen. To make the kitchen clean and functioning as soon as possible. With the direction for me (colors and fixtures) she has gone to town. She spent 8 hours the first weekend just scrubing the dirt and grime and Birds, Butterflies, Apples and Clouds from every surface, then going through painting everything from floor to ceiling.
 She has been there on the weekends when D and I are there and also during the week when D and I are work. She has made a huge difference and what will be our kitchen until we decide to redo. SHE IS AMAZING! Thanks Mommy!

Okay back to the house.
 One of the main changes in the house was switching the staircase from the current position (the main bedroom) to the Original position just outside of the kitchen.

You can see in the first photo the whole from the stairs from the main bedroom
second photo is the staircase is in the left.

I thought I had better pictures, Sorry.
 What you are not seeing here is the 4'6" space from where the floor starts to one of the steps. Which meant I even had to duck.

It took D the afternoon to decide what to do, to 1. Re-enforce the floor and 2. move the stairs.
 It only took D about an hour to reenforce the floor. While he was doing that I was trying to give him as much light as possible.
 When we went to farm earlier in the week we were able to collect EVERY possible tool we would need to fix EVERYTHING. Including a great strand on work lights, air compressor and nail gun.
 While I was trying to string the lights I did not remove the hammer from the top of the ladder. (can you see where I am going with this).

Well yes, I drop the hammer on my head. OUCH! of course I wasn't using one of those small finishing hammers, Of course not, I was using a Framing Hammer. A BIG HEAVY HAMMER! ON MY HEAD.
 You see I was already pretty frustrated about something, so when you drop a giagantor hammer on your head it's bound to hurt.
 Tears immediately came pouring out of my eyes. Now did that stop me, of course not. For the nest three minutes, I continued to hang my lights while buckets of tears streamed down my dirty face, not saying a word while my husband looked on with concern for his crying wife.
 After 3 minutes I finally let him hug me, the tears were gone and we went back to work.

Well we ended up not reusing the stairs that were there and built new ones.
D at the Bottom of the new stairs

Enjoying a beer on the stairs after all of his hard work, and rightly so.

Here is what the basement looks like

See all that CRAP, Not ours!

At this point of the work we are still pretty optimistic that we will be in the house on Jan. 1, 2012

Shout outs! My Bestest Monica for come over and filling holes and taking out screws.
Jordan (Father of the Dmitri) for coming over everyday to see progress and give us his 2 sense and food. also for Hardware store runs.


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